Is the Florida Safety Council a Scam?

There are many different organizations out there that make a ton of money off of people charged with driving under the influence.  From the state to non-profit organizations such as the Florida Safety Council and Mothers Against Drunk Driving, and the mental health care companies who these organizations refer people.

In the case of my DUI, I had to work with the Florida Safety Council for two different things:

  1. They were the only provider in my county (and in many others across the state) who offer the DUI Level I course which all offenders are required to take; and
  2. Once you’ve completed the DUI Level I course, they either refer you for additional treatment or send you on your way.

As I have talked about here, I was not only required to attend the DUI Level I class but also had to participate in 15 “treatment” sessions with Lifestance Health (formerly Florida Behavioral Health) because of my BAC.

One question that I continue to ask myself even after this whole ordeal has come to an end is – “Is the Florida Safety Council a scam?

First off, let’s define “scam.”

It’s pretty safe to say the organization isn’t “dishonest,” they’re not a “fraud,” and they’re not out to “swindle” anyone.

However, they are sketchy and their referrals for additional “treatment” are questionable.

The organization offers several types of classes including:

  • Behaviorial Management
    • Anger Management
    • Juvenile Shoplifting
    • Shoplifting
    • Vital Living Skills
    • and more
  • Behind the Wheel
    • Driver License Road Testing
    • Driving Lesson Training
    • and more
  • Driver Improvement
    • Aggressive Driving
    • Driving Under 25
    • Driving While License Suspended
    • Mature Driving Course
    • and more
  • DUI Courses
    • DUI Level 1 – First Time Offense
    • DUI Level 2 – Multiple Offenses
    • Victim Awareness Panel
    • and more

And the list goes on and on with many of these being court-ordered classes and a handful being ones that an individual would voluntarily sign up for, but that list is quite short as you can see by viewing all Florida Safety Council courses and services.

I previously wrote about my experience with the Florida Safety Council which included a lack of organization, a DUI Level I class which was a disorganized mess and didn’t really follow any part of the intended syllabus, and teaching materials that were so outdated that even the instructor poked fun at them.

So once again, I ask the question… “Is the Florida Safety Council a scam.

I can answer that by saying, “when it comes to DUIs ot absolutely is!” It is an organization that:

  • Receives plenty of referrals from state and county governments, is listed as a non-profit, solicits additional donations, and charges for its services.
  • Lacks oversight to ensure that attendees are getting value from the classes offered, in fact the DUI instructor was just “mailing it in” during the classes I attended.
  • Receives enough money from those forced to attend their DUI classes that course materials should not be DECADES old.
  • More than likely receives kick-backs from other organizations, such as behavioral health centers, for referrals. In fact, if you attend a DUI class here you will be more than likely be required to attend at least 15 worthless sessions at a Behaviorial Health Center BEFORE the Florida Safety Council will report that you have successfuly completed all classes and treatment to the DMV.

While your experience with Florida Safety Council may differ from mine, this was how I view the organization.